Available now: The New ESV-Delitzsch


We just received our second printing of the ESV-Delitzsch New Testament. This improved edition has thicker stock paper for better readability and now contains an index of Messianic prophecies.

The ESV-Delitzsch is a polyglot edition containing the modern English translation of the New Testament (English Standard Version) and Franz Delitzsch’s classic Berit Chadasha. Stylishly designed with a beautiful polyurethane leather cover, this edition is specifically made for a new generation of English native speakers.

Check our other bibles here.

Available Now: The New Backpacker Bible! ­


Together with the Bible Society in Israel, we just printed 10.000 new copies of the Backpacker Bible

The Backpacker Bible is tailor made for young Israeli’s who travel around the world, and carry all their belongings on their backs. Every year around 75.000 of them go backpacking after finishing military service. Most go to Asia, South America, Australia and New Zealand.

The Backpacker Bible features:

­- The Tanakh in Classical Hebrew and the New Testament in Modern Hebrew.

­- Aramaic sections of the Tanakh with parallel Hebrew text;

-­ A comprehensive list of Messianic prophecies in Hebrew and English.

­- A topical list of on what the Bible says about various life subjects in Hebrew and English.

­- A sustainable faux leather cover with a zipper and a reading ribbon.

­- A card that redirects to www.hanavad.com; the upcoming online traveler’s hub that connects backpackers with places to stay all over the world, and various tools to understand the Bible.

Hebrew – English New Testament for 2021

The majority of the Jewish people in North America come from liberal Jewish, and culturally or non-religious Jewish backgrounds. Our experiences of handing out Bibles among these groups have been very diverse. However, only a small percentage understands Biblical Hebrew well, which is why most need an English translation.

This is why we recently published a new English-Hebrew polyglot edition. For the English translation we have used the English Standard Version, which is both accessible to read and true to the original text. For the Hebrew translation we use the Delitzsch Version. Check out all our bibles here.

Revision Yiddish New Testament

Unfortunately, very few materials are available in Yiddish, the language of the ultraorthodox. Moreover, most translations of the New Testament are quite dated. This why we are in the process of revising the Einspruch translation of the New Testament. We are updating the nekudot to current Haredi-Yiddish. We are also clarifying archaic word-usage through footnotes. This is a long-term project, but the Gospel of Matthew has been finished, which contains over 1400 footnotes, including Scriptural references!

  •  The Gospel of Matthew in Yiddish (NEW)

In the first quarter of 2021, we printed 6.000 copies in a small pocket-sized version. It's meant for the Haredi, or the ultraorthodox communities. We want to introduce these very closed communities to the Jewish character of the New Testament. More information >>

  • The Letter to the Hebrews in Hebrew and Yiddish

We also published a special edition of the Letter to the Hebrews at the end of 2018. This version is so small that you can easily put it in your inner pocket. More information >>

New Workers in Israel

Paul and Sarah* from Israel have been involved with our organization since August 2020. In the coming season, they will be supported by us, and through prayer hope to find out if this is the place and vocation that the Lord has prepared for them. Since August they have handed out many Bibles in Israel. We are grateful for their hard work and dedication.

 *For safety reasons, their names have been changed.

Brochure on the Messiah

We are currently working on a brochure that treats the most important prophecies about the first and second coming of the Messiah. It is meant to be supplementary to our Bible distribution. Our fieldworkers are increasingly asked questions about the times we are living in and the direction our world is headed. How great then to show people not only how current the prophetic Word is, but also how hopeful the future is for the Jewish people. It is currently available in the following editions:
Hebrew – English
Hebrew – Russian
Modern Hebrew – English
Other language editions are forthcoming.

Israeli Tourists

In the summer of 2019 we printed a smaller hardcover version of the New Testament in Modern Hebrew. This version is especially meant for the many Israeli tourist who travel the world, with only limited space in their suitcases. It is also distributed in Israel.

The Backpacker Bible

In the summer of 2018 we printed the Backpacker Bible. Every year, about 75,000 Israeli’s backpack around the world after finishing military service. Many of them get trapped in Eastern religions and everything the world has to offer. The Backpacker Bible, which includes the New Testament in Modern Hebrew and the Psalms, is tailor made for backpackers. This version is light, durable, and has a protective cover with a zipper.

most of our other Bibles are in a bilingual format. This way, Jewish people can read the Scriptures both in Hebrew and in their first language. Our latest additions to our ever growing library are:
The Hebrew-Portuguese Tanakh, the Hebrew-German Tanakh, and the Hebrew Italian-New Testament.

All these books are beautifully printed hardcover editions. Obviously there are a lot of costs involved in making them. Your prayers and support are therefore needed.